When I mention the name of this pre-eminant street photographer today, I am often met with blank stares. In our disparate world, that reaction really shouldn’t surprise me. Yet, a part of me says, “How can that be?”

Alex Webb is a Magnum photographer who’s been working in the field of fine art street photography throughout the world for 40+ years, winning grants and numerous awards and producing over a dozen books. That mean his prints sell for $3000 on up.

OK, you might ask, “Who exactly is this guy?”

The short answer is: “If you are a photographer, you should own one of his books.”

After meeting Alex Webb and his wife Rebecca, another wonderful photographer, I took a week-long workshop with them in San Francisco. I thought Alex was a genius before, now I would be convinced of it.

Was I able to create one photograph as good as one of Alex’s “B” images during the week? Only Alex can answer that question for sure. I think I came close, Although I’ll never be as disciplined as this maestro. And that – along with everything else I learned – is all that matters to me.

Thank you Alex and Rebecca!

See their work here: Alex Webb