

A famous photographer who was under-appreciated has passed away. I own three of his signed prints but never met him. In my opinion, Caponigro was the Ernst Haas of B&W photography.

(Photo: Galaxy Apple by Paul Caponigro)


Being respectful of others whose ideas are different than your own is a part of a mindful life. Actions are even more important, as is being mindful that some choices acted upon can be hurtful to others in a negative way. For myself, I alway remove my shoes after asking the owner’s permission when photographing car interiors. It’s just the right thing to do.


With social media being what it is, there are all sorts of myth makers out there. Facebook and other platforms were never meant to be journalistic. Unfortunately, people begin to believe what they see, read and hear on a constant basis.

Building community enthusiasm for a worthy cause is one thing, but providing misinformation or engaging in flat out deception for personal gain whether it’s on social media or in print is another. You will never find that coming from me as an automotive journalist. When people ask me why that is, I always reply “I’m from Alaska.” It’s become a bit of an inside joke.

(Photo of Randy: Andrea Wells)



Feedspot ranked this page #7 out of the top 35 car blog sites for 2024. I’m very honored of course and honestly a bit shocked. I began this site in 2010 more for myself than anyone else, so it’s always a surprise to see how many folks visit. It began as a great way to keep writing regularly as an automotive journalist, and it still fulfills that role. Thanks for visiting, and thanks to all at Feedspot for this distinction.




The early Porsche 911 hot rod clubs known as R Gruppe is featured in the high quality automotive magazine Vicarious this month. My words and photos cover the 2024 R Gruppe gathering in Santa Fe, New Mexico coinciding with the club’s 25 year anniversary. Being in the club all that time has provided me with a unique opportunity to comment on a brotherhood of 300 members who have a common love for the sports purpose 911. Being easily misunderstood, it’s an easy thing to get wrong. Thanks to the club for the great ride.

Vicarious Magazine


Luft 10 is happening today at the Universal Studios backlot in L.A. For those who are new to Luftgekühlt (German for “air-cooled), it’s a Porsche event that celebrates a meeting place where new ideas can thrive in a focused, yet casual atmosphere surrounded by a curated selection of historically significant and intriguing air-cooled Porsches. Their motto at Luft is, “We thrive on unique venues, engaging people, and a hefty dose of creative expression. These elements are always at the heart of what we do.”

Organizers Pat Long and Jeff Zwart (above) made sure that every Porsche at Luft was matched to an equally iconic backdrop. For budding car photographers, it was like shooting fish in a barrel.

Look for my story in a future issue of Porsche 356 Registry Magazine.


As I prepare to receive the October issue of Porsche Club of America’s national magazine Panorama, I’d like to give you a taste of what I experienced at their annual Parade event as an assigned photographer and writer.

“My first stop in Birmingham, Alabama was to find a restaurant serving a catfish sandwich. The perfectly cooked morsel was served on a freshly baked bun at a hip brewery just a mile away from PCA’s headquarters for Parade week week. Everyone at the eatery looked happy. I was smiling after my first bite of the moist serving too, and came back the next day.”

It’s no secret that Alabama is known for its culinary delights, like southern barbecue, crab claws, fried green tomatoes, seafood gumbo, shrimp and grits, okra, and pecan pie. However, no visit to the South would be complete without a stop at the travel station named Buc-ee’s. With a beaver mascot, 120 gas pumps and several versions of pork sandwiches, this 53,000 sq. ft convenience store was an experience to behold. Continue reading “”


Study the classics – Great paintings can inspire you to try new lighting.
Shoot frequently and for yourself – Don’t care about what others think.
Live a life where you’re open to new ideas.
Don’t include too much – Choose your foreground and background carefully.
Eliminate distracting elements that don’t contribute to what you are inspired to portray.
Wait for a gesture, the best moment when the subject reveals themselves.
Technically, for tight close ups, a long telephoto set at f/5.6 to f/8 is the way to go. Cell phone photos in wide mode are horribly distorted for portraits.
Tell a story – Environmental portraiture requires even more forethought than a tight composition. With a moderate wide angle to normal lens, only include in your frame that which adds to the story you want to tell. Simplify!


Above is a great Panorama story title that wasn’t even mine (thanks, Jeff!). The current PCA magazine “Youth” issue tells tales of Porsche enthusiasts who have made a mark in their community.

Two of these stories are mine. Each one portrays a woman known for her upholstery and other handiwork. Both were proposed by me, yet they are quite different. Both include my text and photos. In my first story, pictured here, a father/daughter duo fully restored an award-winning Porsche Speedster together. It’s a heartfelt ode that keeps things real. Their Speedster is also pictured on the cover. In the second story, my images included some of my better portraits. They are not shared here, nor were they published on request of the subject. I look forward to recreating that magic and emotion with a new subject in a future article for the magazine. See both of these stories in the September issue of Panorama magazine!

Porsche Panorama Magazine


Thank you to Richard Baron, Creative Director at Porsche Club of America’s Panorama magazine, for picking this image of mine for the cover of the current issue. This cover photo is especially gratifying, as it was not easy to pull off. Thanks again to all at PCA for your continued support.

Porsche Panorama Magazine


JD Souther R.I.P.

One of the best country rock singer-songwriters, who worked with everyone from Roy Orbison to the Eagles to Linda Ronstadt to James Taylor, has passed. JD Souther is seen here live (no autotune) with James, along with the great Warner Brothers house band, “The Section”, minus Russ Kunkel who would become engaged to Carly Simon. It was a small town after all.

Image of Chad McQueen, son of Steve McQueen, at the Rennsport Reunion III at Daytona International Speedway, Daytona, Florida, American Southeast


It is with great sadness that I write, along with many others, how sad I am to hear of the passing of Steve McQueen’s only son. Chad is survived by a son Chase, his daughter Madison, and their grandmother Neile. Steve Jr. is another son of Chad’s, and his wife is Jeanie. My condolences to all. I met him a few times, and he was always very kind to me. Chad would have been 64 on December 28. Godspeed.