THANKS PANO! It’s a sincere honor to be awarded a cover feature in Porsche Club of America’s national magazine, Panorama. In the December 2020 issue of Panorama Magazine, there’s a 16-page story of mine that goes behind the scenes for a photoshoot of the Emory Motorsport’s AWD “AllRad” 356 Outlaw. In this article, I explain … Continue reading “”
Search Results for: photo tips
IT’S WHAT I DO An automotive photographer recently confided in me that he was having trouble with his car-to-car shots. I told him the same photo tips I will tell you.
INSPIRATION The photographers I admire most are always striving to improve themselves. It’s possible to become complacent, once you have reached a certain level of accomplishment. But it’s imperative that you keep pushing the edge, to continue sharpening your critical facility and to immerse yourself in new ideas and techniques.
INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS As we set our clocks back and say goodbye to Fall, here’s the final (for now) post in my creative process series on photography (a.k.a R andy’s Photo tips): “Do not paint the sleeve, become the arm.†-Andrew Wyeth “In order to see, we must forget the name of the thing … Continue reading “”
AN APPROACH TO AUTOMOTIVE PHOTOGRAPHY Number four in my series of RANDY’S PHOTO TIPS a.k.a. his creative photographic process: When approaching automotive photography, one of the first challenges is the belief that you can fix everything in post-processing. Unfortunately (or fortunately), a car’s complex bodywork and glossy paint reflects everything, especially on dark colored vehicles. … Continue reading “”
PART I. RANDY’S PHOTO TIPS – THE FIFTH ELEMENT IN PHOTOGRAPHY Over the next three months, I’ll be posting once a month about creativity and photography. Here’s the first installment: There are many ways to look at photography. Like music, one can see it as an expressive art form that captures an always-changing continuum. If … Continue reading “”
ON BEING AN ARTIST TODAY – Randy’s Photo Tips Sometimes I forget how hard it must be for young photographers and artists who face the challenges of today’s modern world. I was recently compelled to post a comment on a blog buddy’s website. I saw a comment that gave advice on this stuff that seemed … Continue reading “”
TRAVEL PHOTOGRAPHY PHOTO TIPS In a couple of days I’m presenting an overview of travel photography to students at The Art Institute of Seattle. I’ve included my outline here for those who are interested: 1. Introduction Choosing a destination – Research Packing light – Pacing yourself, staying healthy 2. The Essential Ingredients Culture: People, Crafts, … Continue reading “”
MORE INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES & PHOTO TIPS “What one does is what counts, not what one intends to do.†-Picasso “Success is what you give yourself, fame is what others give you.†-Deanne Delbridge “In every artist there is poetry. In every human being there is the poetic element. We know, we feel, we believe. As … Continue reading “”
WOW When I respond, “Wow”, it is for one of two reasons. It either means, “I’m really impressed”, or it means, “I am utterly at a loss for words”. When I say, “that’s hilarious”, it only means one thing: “Are you kidding?” Most of the time I don’t talk and just listen. Most importantly, I … Continue reading “”
MAKING BETTER PHONE PHOTOS Here are some basic tips from National Geographic: 1. Avoid direct sunlight (especially from over your shoulder) 2. Choose the highest quality setting available 3. Wait for the “magic hour.â€
AN OBSERVATION “We live in a world that values easy solutions to complex problems. And buying [photographic] gear on specifications is such a solution. Further, instant pop culture has destroyed the ability of most people to appreciate nuance, delicacy and detail, values which require dedication and emotional commitment, and which are only revealed over time.”
PHOTOGRAPHY – A LOOK BACK I posted these tips on a forum recently. Hope they help: I started shooting with a Kodak Brownie camera as a kid, won an award from Kodak when I was 12, hitchhiked around SF in the summer of ’68 for two weeks as a teenager with a Canonet, then put … Continue reading “”
PART II. 15 TIPS FOR THE DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHER This is my second article in the creativity and photographic process series from 2012: Many of these tips I credit to other photographers and authors, especially Ernst Haas, Sam Abell, and Deanne Delbridge. 1. Work with the minimum amount of equipment and be totally familiar with it. … Continue reading “”